Back to work …

It has been a while since I have picked up my work and switched my sewing machine on, but today it was time to start. A very difficult Christmas period is over, my self assessment is in and last year’s photos have been edited and labelled.

It still surprises me when things get hard, but every time there is an issue in December, the month of the anniversary of Carl’s death, numerous weeks can be really hard, my confidence and resolve weaken and work remains untouched. It has happened before and will happen again, but at least I have learnt that it is ok to take some time out and allow the sad feelings to pass.

Such breaks also allow me to realise just how important my work is to me. Without it I can dwell on things that aren’t necessary, but stitching makes me feel good, it awakens my inner self and brings back my passion for creating. The drawing I have returned to is one that I started in 2015 but then stored away whilst I completed last years exhibition pieces for ‘Shiftworks’ and Newark Park.



The drawing is taken from a photograph of a couple who were sat opposite me on the tube train in London. The lady looked into space and her husband had his head turned away for the whole journey. Not a word was spoken between them. I couldn’t resist taking the photograph and will endeavour to complete the whole image …

