The final show…

I have just returned from my final show at Art in Action, Waterperry, Oxford; eight years of teaching silk painting and marbling following in the footsteps of my mother in-law, Judith Perry, who taught the same class for 20 years before I took over in 2009. Whilst we had many new visitors, there were also some familiar faces who came to say a fond farewell – some of whom I have watched grow up and one such family left this comment…

“Thank you for doing the silk painting, I’ve enjoyed it ever since I snuck in at the age of 8 … it has been so much fun.” Alysin aged 14

And this years class had equal fun creating their work in the relaxed and friendly space…

IMG_1678 IMG_1677

My son Josh taught the marbling for the first three days, followed by me niece Jessica on Sunday. As always, the class was fully engaged in the delights of dropping the oil based pigments onto the carragheen ready to make beautiful marbled patterns.


During the eight years of Art in Action my career has developed through a Creative Arts degree at Bath Spa, graduating with a first class honours in 2015. I have been very fortunate in the support my work has had from visitors, other artists and the wonderful staff who have strongly believed in this fabulous festival of art, and for this, I am very grateful.

For the 40th and last Art in Action, visitor numbers were well over 25,000. Amongst the creative conversations there was one reoccurring question ‘will this wonderful event really end?’ At the demonstrators diner on Saturday night, Simon Buchanon, the organiser, provided some hope by suggesting that something new may evolve and for that reason, we all cheered!